ClayTAWC opened following a Parish Appraisal in the 2000’s after there was a high demand for a facility to help local people on a low-income in training, education and equip the community with skills to aid the opportunity of employment.
Since opening ClayTAWC has expanded with demand to provide a vast range of services including both qualification and non-qualification courses, social groups, various recreational activities, a Community Support and Information Room, affordable hired spaces for organisations/groups, children’s workshops, a Community Drop Swap and Take Food Cupboard, regular Interagency Community Hub Events, a regular Memory Cafe, various charity-based coffee mornings, workshops to improve health and wellbeing and more!
ClayTAWC’s day-to-day services :-
*Community Support and Information Room! – FREE leaflets and resources available! This is also a warm space for any person who wishes to spend some time in the room.
* FREE Community food swap, drop and take cupboard!
* Photocopying / laminating, starting from only 10p!
* Three multi-purpose rooms to hire at an affordable hourly rate – Block bookings available, FREE parking and advertising!
* FREE Public access computer!
* The St Dennis self-serve Micro Library (you must be a Cornwall Council Library member to access this service).
* Free Community Jigsaw Library.
*Good quality book sales, starting from only 10p!
Keep up to date with all the latest events, workshops and news on the ClayTAWC Facebook page :-