FREE! Memory Cafe

September 6, 2023 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Old School
Fore Street, St Dennis
PL26 8AF

Memory Cafe

During the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to speak to a range of health care professionals and services to get support and information. There will be FREE leaflets and booklets to take home too. You can also enjoy playing some games, discover sensory resources and have a go at some puzzles! FREE refreshments provided! The Cafe is open to all those experiencing memory issues caused by a range of health conditions, also welcome are family, friends, carers and professionals. No booking required, just come along 🙂

If you would like to speak to a professional confidently during the afternoon, we have a quiet and private space which you can use.

Please note we are respectfully asking that if you are attending as a carer with someone, you must stay with your attendee throughout the afternoon.

*FREE TRANSPORT! Would you like to be able to attend ClayTAWC’s Memory Cafe but do not have access to transport? – We are now able to offer a FREE car transport service via Volunteer Cornwall, their drivers are able to pick you up, drop you off at ClayTAWC for the Cafe, then return you home! We do require please at least 10 full days notice if you wish to use this service  To arrange to use this service or for more information, please call ClayTAWC on 01726 828130.
*Please note that it is the policy of Volunteer Cornwall that they cannot facilitate the transport of those who use a wheelchair, sorry for the inconvenience.*


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